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Saturday, 28 June 2014

Ramadan Kareem

Then you come Ramadan.
Melihat ramainya orang di segenap sudut pasar raya, in my mind automatically zupppp......
"Ok, the end of month, the workers earned their salaries already and tomorrow we're going to start fasting".
Lagaknya seperti shopping untuk menyambut lebaran. Indahnya kalau suasana sebegitu turut dirasai di surau-surau berdekatan. Penuh dan sarat dengan kohot manusia.

Masa-masa macam ni mulalah mengimbau kenangan berpuasa tahun lepas, berpuasa di SMKAP selama 2 tahun, berpeluang merasa kelainan, nikmat bersahur walaupun terasa liat seperti clay untuk menghayunkan kaki ke dewan makan tetapi digagahi jua tak lain tak bukan untuk merebut ganjaran bersahur. Atau paling lazy tahap hapee at least kurma dan plain water pun dah bersyukur macam dapat makan nasi ayam. Pernah sekali dua terjaga di saat sahur di hujung tanduk
(eh, ada ke? pun bolehhh) Alhamdulillah berkat dengar kata mak bawa kurma sebagai bekalan, itulah gunanya stock kurma di saat genting ya tuan puan. Nak makan nasi tak dan dah. Memang nak kena torture la dengan makcik pakcik DM (dewan makan) kalau minta nasi time tu. Kadang-kadang sendu juga, time tulaa nak shooting drama air mata mengalahkan orang yang berpuasa di perantauan. Tapi tak beriya pun ok, cukuplah seminit-dua.
Hati kental. 

Semua tu healed bila Ustaz planned buat trip berbuka puasa at Masjid Biru.....
( Masjid Shah Alam)
One word to describe it, SUBHANALLAH. Wallahi, terasa seperti berada di bumi anbiya'. Missing all about it. Tak lupa pada wangian masjid yang dapat dihidu sehingga mampu meresap ke tangkai hati, mewujudkan ketenangan yang mungkin tidak dapat diperolehi di mana-mana. Allahurabbi.

#Izinkan diri ini mengulang apa yang telah dimulakan. 
Eh, masjid/surau sudah memanggil ! How nice the recitation of Quran versus from the mosque nearby.
Happy Ramadan For All, Youth. Come on. Terawih, terawih, terawih !
Oh ya, this year I'll begin my fasting at a new place again.
والله يسهل

اللهم بارك لنا في شعبان وبلغنا في رمضان

Friday, 20 June 2014


Hurting someone's feeling is never okay.
Especially when you take it as a joke.
A word you say or an action you take can never be taken back.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

take your time...

Ambillah waktu untuk berfikir, 
kerana itu adalah sumber kekuatan.

Ambillah waktu untuk bermain,
kerana itu adalah rahsia 
dari masa muda yang abadi.

Ambillah waktu untuk berdoa,
kerana itu adalah sumber ketenangan.

Ambillah waktu untuk belajar,
kerana itu adalah sumber kebijaksanaan.

Ambillah waktu untuk mencintai dan dicintai,
kerana itu adalah hak istimewa yang diberikan Allah.

Ambillah waktu untuk bersahabat,
kerana itu adalah jalan menuju kebahagiaan.

Ambillah waktu untuk tertawa,
kerana itu adalah muzik yang menggetarkan hati.

Ambillah waktu untuk memberi,
kerana itu akan membuat hidup terasa bererti.

Ambillah waktu untuk bekerja,
kerana itu adalah nilai keberhasilan.

Ambillah waktu untuk beramal,
kerana itu adalah kunci untuk menuju syurga.

Dan Allah berfirman : "Demi Masa! Sesungguhnya manusia dalam kerugian.
-Kecuali orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta 
berpesan-pesan dengan sabar." 
(Surah al-Asr:1-3)


Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Okay, today we are going to familiarize ourselves with one of the animals in this world. Woah, I'm acting like a teacher teaching her students. No, no. Not like that.

Yesterday, I watched National Geographic at TV1 and it showed me this. When I first read the subtitle, it reminded me of someone. Someone who was the earliest person introduced mongoose to me. In my mind, "Oh, this is the mongoose he had been talking about".

Do you know what is mongoose? How it looks like? I believe most of us know nothing about what's mongoose actually. Or I'm the only one who never know about it? Hmm, such a pity. Mongoose in Malay is cerpelai. It sounds quaint isn't it? And here it is,

Truthfully, yesterday is my first time looking at the mongoose. FYI, I don't prefer hairy animals. But, it doesn't means that I hate them. They're Allah creatures too. Cats for example. I can feed them. But to pamper or caress them gently, I just can't. Looking from afar is enough.  I have my own reason.

P/s : To the people concerned, don't fret. I'll never ask for a silly demand. No need to trouble yourself. InshaAllah.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

be concerned

First and foremost, I would like to apologize if my words would tear your hearts out or make you feel uneasy. (Readers, if any)

In the name of Allah the most Gracious and the most Merciful.

Normally, we often hear "Girls, if you do care about your father, husband and brothers, please cover your aurah properly". Otherwise, they will be dragged along with you into the hell." Added with the hadith and al-Quran versus.
Yes, that's a good advice. Thank you. You've done us, women a very good favor. Due to we love them tremendously, we've strive hard to be a good muslimah and improve ourselves days by days.

But don't you ever think men, you guys also have to do the same for us? Your obligations towards Allah and religion is completely compulsory. Cannot be disputed. I don't have to list each of them as you already know what to do and the consequences that you will face if you refuse to execute.

Don't you feel guilty when you innocently smoking in front of us or around us? Do we need to remind you about the hazardous effects of smoking all the time? Is it okay for you if we are suffering of illnesses just because of your inconsiderate attitude? Oh, frankly speaking I do not have the strength to bear with it. I can't stand with the smoke dancing freely around me. Terribly unpleasant and inconvenient. And I'm sure, majority of women out there also would agree with me. They also want their father, husband, brothers or the beloved ones to quit smoking. Unfortunately, they can't find the right way to pour it out and to them it will definitely hurt you. And it might end up with quarreling. See, how selfless they are. Why it is so hard to appreciate?

So guys, hopefully my short writing would trigger and soften your heart to have a long and hard thinking regarding this topic.
We, women do not ask much from you, only a piece of discretion. Hope you understand.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

a tiny contribution for ummah

Sebelum melangkah ke mana-mana, dengan saki baki cuti yang ada, rasa terpanggil untuk membantu adik-adik di SMK Jelai (F) untuk lebih dekat dengan bahasa al-Quran juga bahasa Syurga iaitu Bahasa Arab. Seandainya mereka tahu betapa indahnya bahasa Nabi s.a.w tersebut, mungkin tiada lagi kedengaran keluhan bahawa
"Bahasa Arab susah lagi memeningkan". It would be nice if I could change their mind set towards this language. Allahumma aamiin.

Pada awalnya, terdetik rasa gemuruh dalam diri untuk melaksanakan amanah yang diberi. Antara persoalan yang sering berlegar-legar dalam benak fikiran, "Boleh ke mereka semua memahami apa yang cuba aku sampaikan? Boleh ke aku berkongsi ilmu dengan baik? Bagaimana penerimaan mereka?"

But all those things vanished in a blink of eyes when I first step in the computer lab. Seeing their warm smiles and greet, I didn't feel butterflies in my stomach anymore. Miracle. Yeah. I just love that feeling. Dibantu oleh barisan fasilitator-fasilitator yang cemerlang Bahasa Arab mereka dalam PMR yang lalu.

And last week, Allah uji keupayaan dengan mengaturkan Ustaz menguruskan hal yang lebih penting, 
(his brother-in-law passed away. innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun.)
The other facilitators and a number of students participated in Choral Speaking Competition on the same day.
Leaving me alone there managing the students. Silent. 

Allah sebaik-baik perancang. He sent Kak Rahimah at the right time. Azlin and Akmal also came and lent me their hands. Alhamdulillah. 
We handled the students with our own ways. Kami laksanakan setiap perkara yang Ustaz arahkan and mission accomplished ! :)

Adik-adikku, inshaAllah boleh ! ;)

Dengan penuh bersemangat dan dedikasi, 'kakak' menerangkan "اسماء الإشارة".
ceh, ceh, ceh.....

Azlin, teşekkür ederim !
(teşekkür ederim means thank you in Turkish)

Akmal, merci !
(merci means thank you in France)

Kak Rahimah, danke ! 
(danke means thank you in Germany)

Lastly, thank you to myself. haha. boastful

p/s : I've learnt a lot there, especially how to build patience. Seriously, to me teaching helps us to control our temper in check. It's normal if they keep walking around and being talkative. (Boys usually.) 
As long as they had completed the tasks given and made it correctly. Commit mistakes at a few questions is not a big deal.
I'm not going to punish. :D
I may not have a lot of money to donate, but I do have a strong energy to devote.
Being rich isn't about how much you have, but how much you can give.

>Thank you Haida for the pictures<

Sunday, 6 April 2014

odd presumption

*wah, kelass kau Maria speaking France*
Tapi maaflah, baru belajar basic France. So far, itu jela antara greetings yang pelajar permulaan like me tahu.
It's okay, step by step kan? Mana ada orang belajar terus pandai, take time juga. Lainlah kalau kita dikurniakan karamah seperti wali-wali Allah or Imam-imam besar seperti Imam as-Syafi'e, Imam al-Ghazali dan yang sewaktu dengannya.

Ok enough ! Mulanya nak tulis sikit, ini dah meleret-leret jadinya.

See, perkara sekecil itu pun boleh menimbulkan pelbagai persoalan mahupun perbahasan panjang. Sebenarnya tak perlu pun, tapi kita manusia yang suka menyulitkan sesuatu perkara. Contohnya, Islam itu mudah lagi memudahkan. Cuma manusia yang menjadikannya complicated.
*Ini kenyataan okay, bukan memandai-mandai buat kesimpulan. Jadi, jangan marah*

Nak contoh lagi senang,
Bila kita tengah dok syok berjalan-jalan tak kesahlah dekat mana pun, mall ke, night market ke, bookshop ke, suddenly terserempak dengan kawan-kawan sekolah. Definitely terkejut. Kalau tak banyak, sikit pun mesti ada rasa shock itu. *Jangan nak bohong kata takde.*
Almaklumlah, dah cuti agak lama, mestilah dalam tempoh tu tak bersua muka kan?
Then bila dah jumpa tu of course bersalaman and give them a hug kan?
(Ini biasanya perempuan lah. I know la because I'm also a girl. Normal bagi kami. Tapi kalau lelaki setakat shake hands jela berdasarkan my observation. Kawal emosi mungkin.)

Tapi tulah, bila ada yang lihat adegan sebegitu, ada yang kata "macam dah bertahun tak jumpa!"
Bila buat-buat tak nampak nanti, dikatakan snob or show off. Sabar jela~~
Haaa, persepsi seperti ini yang membantutkan dan mematikan niat orang lain untuk buat perkara yang baik.
(I'm not saying that all of us berfikiran seperti itu, but majoritinya YES, they are)

P/s : Sejak belajar di asrama, I have strived hard to display my affection towards my friends regardless through my expression or action. Dear girls, if you notice I seem to be excited like a kindergarten kid each time we meet, don't be surprised. I'm still in the process of learning to adapt with the new side of me. Ambil iktibar daripada kata-kata Haziqah dan Farhana yang mengatakan
"you're like a stone without feeling".
Tidak dinafikan, sometimes I also have the same thought as the people above, hati berkata-kata and it is uncontrollable. But from now on, why don't we stop the prejudiced thinking. Jom ubah sama-sama !

Saturday, 5 April 2014

obedient instead of defy

kalaulah kita tahu betapa besar dan banyak kelebihan yang akan diperolehi oleh seorang anak yang mentaati kedua ibubapanya, nescaya kita tidak akan sesekali berani untuk menderhakai mereka.

Meskipun ada kalanya ada pendapat dan kehendak kita yang bertentangan dengan fatwa hati mereka tapi percayalah, they know what we should do and don't.

Frequently I encounter this situation. Especially when my buddies ask me to have a day out with them. Nama pun students asrama, definitely rumah masing-masing jauh with each other. Berlainan dengan my former school, kami sekampung. Kalau nak jumpa reunion semula pun senang. Meet up dekat kedai abc Pakcik Wahab tu pun boleh. Tak jadi masalah.

Tapi masalahnya my acquaintances from
tak pula gitu. Kalau sekampung juga kan bagus.
Tak perlu susah-susah set venue yang paling tepat dan senang untuk buat gathering.
Searching for the most appropriate place to ease everyone to come.

And now, I have to deal with this again. Bila sampai this part, I'm so sorry girls. I can't join you all. My parents are too strict regarding this issue. According to them, this is the matter of life and safety. After all, I should consider their feelings and seek for their permissions. If they don't give their approval, there's nothing I can do except complying their order.

P/s : To be honest, of course I would feel sorrow. As a teenager, it will be a precious moment spending time with all of you. But to me, whatever it is parents come first. Kalau bukan sekarang pun, InshaAllah wa biiznillah kita pasti akan berkumpul sama-sama juga nanti. Kalau bukan di dunia, di syurga pasti.

Genuine friendship will last forever.

احبكن الى الابد

Sunday, 30 March 2014


Let me introduce myself.. My name is Islam | Beautiful Poem

ISLAM 101.

Let me, introduce myself.
My name, is Islam.
The root word of peace- salam,
Or even salema- meaning submission.
Which to a Muslim, is like his tuition.
It's his ticket in,
But before I begin,
Let me greet you, like I'm supposed to do,
So Assalamualaikum, may peace be upon you!

You know? It's kinda' funny...
I'm accused of oppressing, when really I'm oppressed.
I've become on the list of things to detest.
I'm screamed in rage, in almost every protest,
& I've become the "red scare", a "threat to the west".

You see?
If you look at me, and all my obligations,
You'll see why I have such a great population,
It's cause there's the motivation,
And that sense of inspiration,
That keeps "Muslim" as their occupation.
To me, being a good Muslim means being a good person.
'cause I'll never ask you to kill or to slay,
Or to lie at least 5 times a day.
I'll never ask you steal, or to hate,
Or to swear or discriminate.

I actually tell you to smile to everyone you see,
Cause a smile's the best form of charity.
I tell you to not smoke and not to drink,
To stay clean and take showers so you simply don't stink.
I tell you to care for animals and treat them with care,
So yes, I'm against animal testing & abuse in case you weren't aware.
I tell you to treat those who treat you bitter...better.
I tell you not to be mad at someone for more than 3 days,
I tell you to respect women and lower your gaze.
I tell you that paradise lies under the feet of your mother,
I tell you to passionately love your significant other.
I tell you to never mistreat your wife!
I mean...if I tell you to care for animals, then what about the love of your life?

I tell you to be precious, and save yourself for the "one".
So you don't keep giving yourself away...till you're literally done.
I tell you to be moderate and that balance is key,
Just in the middle is the perfect place to be.
I tell you to excel in all that you do,
From that essay to that slam-dunk too!
I tell you to clear your ignorance and to never judge,
To love for your bro what you love for yourself; & to never hold a grudge.
I tell you how to be a good person. A person of peace, and a person of love.

They say I'm a terrorist,
An extremist.
And you know what? I am.
I am a terrorist; I terrorize terror,
I kill injustice to make this world fairer.
I am an extremist; I am extremely kind.
So beware of my extreme benevolence, to all of mankind.
Yes, there are those who kill and bomb in my name,
But if I don't approve, then why am I to be blamed?
In every religion, you'll find those who abuse it,
Thinking they have a permit,
To do wrong.

A religion maybe perfect, but the followers may not be.
So when mine commit mistakes, don't blame it on me.
I give what I got, and what I got is good.
So if they do otherwise...they misunderstood.
& I'm not here to preach, I'm only here to teach.
I'm a professor in politics, economy and sociology.
In manners and etiquette, I got my PHD.
To all my teachings, I have two sources.
The book of God, and the words of the prophet are my resources.
I teach for free and to whoever desires to learn,
It's all for the sake of Allah, I ask for nothing in return.

& Listen,
I'm not here to convert, but just to clear misconceptions.
With the way I'm viewed and my common perception.
Because yes, it hurts when I'm literally abused,
By some, who do it for pleasure, just to be amused.

& By some, who just follow the "trend" cause they're clearly confused.
In a nutshell, my name is Islam,
And everything I do, goes back to Salam..peace.
& so as your prof, I need to make sure you pass this test called Life.

By : Amal Ahmed Albaz

Sunday, 23 March 2014

عيد الميلاد

خيركم من طال عمره و حسن عمله

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

fight the fear of losing

I never asked for your existence,
I won't desist you from leaving,
I don't expect for your return.


Because you belong to Allah permanently.
The fact is unlikely to vary.
And I shouldn't be like someone who begged importunately.

When Allah is your reason to live, you will never have a reason to quit.

p/s : 'A devout Muslim women have never felt lonely, because the presence of Allah is closer than her own veins.'

Monday, 17 February 2014



Just now, suddenly tergerak hati untuk dig back segala entries terdahulu. Mana tahu terimbau kembali zaman kanak-kanak riang yang biasanya orang gelarkan 'budak baru nak up'.
 ( Apa punya bahasa daa.. By the way, kanak-kanak ke awok? )
It seemed macam takde kerja, tetapi percayalah I discovered sesuatu yang boleh menimbulkan kekeliruan di benak tuan punya blog ini
( that's means me la kan? who else.. )

I don't have any idea whether I should be thankful to this kind of medium which became our liaison field for the first time. I wish I have the strength to do so...

Agaknya benarlah hipotesis yang dicipta sendiri mengatakan the longer the introductory period, the more questions arise. Hypothesis accepted ! Rasanya tak salah kalau relate dengan kata-kata penuh hikmah Imam Syafie :
" Semakin aku belajar, semakin terserlah kejahilanku "
That's what happened to me.

Mungkin ada baiknya jika tidak mengenali langsung andai terus-terusan berada di pertengahan in between reality and fantasy yang kita sendiri can't confirm the authenticity. Refrain as precaution.

p/s : Kadang-kadang sesuatu nukilan yang dilakarkan tidak memerlukan pemahaman orang lain. It's enough for the writer to acquire satisfaction. After all, I don't aspire to be an author. Take note.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

kinda new

Setelah sekian lama, baru sekarang berpeluang menggerak-gerakkan jari di papan kekunci sambil dok memikir apa yang patut diterjemahkan di ruangan 'new post'. Melepaskan gian menulis mungkin. Mungkin juga mengasah mind to prevent rusting. Kalau disuruh menulis secara handwriting, entah bagaimana rupanya. Agaknya boleh dikategorikan seperti cakar ayam. Inilah padahnya apabila cuti yang panjang digunakan dengan 'sepenuh-penuhnya'.

Tatkala rakan sebaya yang lain ada yang sedang menjalani latihan PLKN, bekerja sambilan, there's a young 'nanny' is battling like a ninja taking care of two babies at home. To deal with the two kids, I have to prepare maximum patience daily. I have to learn effective ways to attract their attention to make them sit still and feed them calmly, bath them, and for short the chores that mums usually do for their children are all on my shoulder now. People here would say, 'practical as a future mom-to-be'. Oh really? Far away to go.

Nevertheless, so far so good. I had a lot of fun and joy being around them. I feel bliss. But sadly, my career as a 'part-time nanny' would end at the end of this month because for who knows I have to go back to my home sweet home earlier than I expected.

p/s :
Walaupun baru setahun jagung memegang jawatan sebagai 'nanny yang berwibawa'
( ceewahhhh ).....
Here are some words of advice for me myself and bakal-bakal ibu out there. It's not easy as ABC to be a mother like our existing mother. No doubt, they are the best mother ever. Perhaps, I can conclude from my personal experiences and observations that we have to get ready physically and mentally plus at least have some sort of basic knowledge on how to handle and raise our child well. Tak salah untuk bersiap-siaga. Jadi, bila tiba saatnya, tak adalah menggelabah or sampai tak tahu what to do. Mudah-mudahan. Wallahua'lam..

 زارا عليشا و احمد يوسف