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Saturday, 5 April 2014

obedient instead of defy

kalaulah kita tahu betapa besar dan banyak kelebihan yang akan diperolehi oleh seorang anak yang mentaati kedua ibubapanya, nescaya kita tidak akan sesekali berani untuk menderhakai mereka.

Meskipun ada kalanya ada pendapat dan kehendak kita yang bertentangan dengan fatwa hati mereka tapi percayalah, they know what we should do and don't.

Frequently I encounter this situation. Especially when my buddies ask me to have a day out with them. Nama pun students asrama, definitely rumah masing-masing jauh with each other. Berlainan dengan my former school, kami sekampung. Kalau nak jumpa reunion semula pun senang. Meet up dekat kedai abc Pakcik Wahab tu pun boleh. Tak jadi masalah.

Tapi masalahnya my acquaintances from
tak pula gitu. Kalau sekampung juga kan bagus.
Tak perlu susah-susah set venue yang paling tepat dan senang untuk buat gathering.
Searching for the most appropriate place to ease everyone to come.

And now, I have to deal with this again. Bila sampai this part, I'm so sorry girls. I can't join you all. My parents are too strict regarding this issue. According to them, this is the matter of life and safety. After all, I should consider their feelings and seek for their permissions. If they don't give their approval, there's nothing I can do except complying their order.

P/s : To be honest, of course I would feel sorrow. As a teenager, it will be a precious moment spending time with all of you. But to me, whatever it is parents come first. Kalau bukan sekarang pun, InshaAllah wa biiznillah kita pasti akan berkumpul sama-sama juga nanti. Kalau bukan di dunia, di syurga pasti.

Genuine friendship will last forever.

احبكن الى الابد


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